Why should you buy paper bowls in India?

Each year, tonnes of garbage is generated which are either incinerated, buried in landfills or dumped into the ocean. We don't need to be reminded of how garbage management is the need of the hour. You may ask about all the possibilities of saving the environment. We have to take minor steps in waste management in our daily lives, so that we can hope for conditions to change. First step is to generate less waste. Use of biodegradable materials in disposable products is in discussion. Today many products are being manufactured using biodegradable and organic raw materials. Today people prefer to buy paper bowls in India instead of going for plastic bowls and cups. They are environment friendly and can be disposed of easily. Harmful effects of non- sustainable products- A massive plastic float halfway between Hawaii island and California. It has grown to 1.6 million square kilometres which is 3 times the size of France. This garbage patch is famously known as the...